Monday, November 30, 2009
WOD 30 NOV 2009
I've been told it takes about 4-6 weeks before you really start seeing results with Crossfit and coincidentally I've got about 6 weeks before I would have to start my traditional workout program for Ironman 70.3 Austria. We'll see if I like the Crossfit or if I'm going to revert back to a traditional workout.
Here's today's workout:
“Mark Twite”
10 Pull ups
20 KB Swings 55/35
30 Box Jumps
40 Push ups
50 Sit ups
60 Burpees
10 Pull ups
**max time alloted for mini met-con is 12 minutes if you complete it or not**
I did the clean's with 105lbs, light I know but I wanted to work on form.
I only made it through the "Mark Twite" up to 15 Burpees before my 12 minutes were up. I was smoked! A pretty good workout. We'll keep going from here.
AAAAGH Thanksgiving Overeating.......
I'm going to start a new workout program this week, Crossfit. It's supposed to be a pretty good program and every one I know who does it likes the results. I knew a guy who did Crossfit and Crossfit Endurance for Ironman 70.3 Kansas and he only trained for 2 hours or less a day (compared to the 4+ hours I did) and he finished 30 minutes faster than I did.
Look for the workouts starting this afternoon.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Rest Day and Thanksgiving
Monday, November 23, 2009
Should've Been a Swim Day
Well when I went out with Shantel and Macen this afternoon I realized it was 60 degrees and you don't waste a 60 degree day in Kansas/Missouri in the middle of November so I decided to go out and do a short run.
Distance : 4:53mi
Total Time: 47:14
AVG Pace: 10:26
Total Calories: 711
AVG HR: 155 bpm
Max HR: 177bpm
Mile 1: 11:14
Mile 2: 10:12
Mile 3: 10:00
Mile 4: 10:06
.53 Mile: 5:40
Zone 1 Time: 0:11 Distance: 0ft
Zone 2 Time: 0:15 Distance: 99ft
Zone 3 Time: 34:44 Distance: 3.4 mi
Zone 4 Time: 12:54 Distance: 1.2 mi
Zone 5 Time: :36 Distnace: 282 ft
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Chicken Wings and Beer Equals.......
Today was a great day for a long run, temps in the 50s with a little bit of a breeze. The breeze made it chilly enough to pull out the tights although at about mile 9 I was wishing I didn't have them on.
Mariah and I just before the race. Shivering a little bit in the wind.
Mile 1.5 running strong. I probably pushed Mariah a little too hard, she mentioned that she hasn't run 5 miles that fast ever.
Finishing strong. Just a little off the pace I would have liked to have run but not too shabby for a chilly day in November.
Mariah taking it home. Maybe next time she'll run a little more before racing. :)
Click here for the official results. Here are the stats according to my Garmin:
Distance : 13:20mi
Total Time: 1:54:58
AVG Pace: 8:42
Total Calories: 1561
AVG HR: 182 bpm
Max HR: 197 bpm
Mile 1: 9:04
Mile 2: 9:03
Mile 3: 9:08
Mile 4: 9:18
Mile 5: 9:17
Mile 6: 9:16
Mile 7: 8:11
Mile 8: 8:38
Mile 9: 8:17
Mile 10: 7:56
Mile 11: 8:13
Mile 12: 8.32
Mile 13: 8:30
.20: 7:35
Zone 1 Time: 0:00 Distance: 0ft
Zone 2 Time: 0:10 Distance: 99ft
Zone 3 Time: 1:09 Distance: .1 mi
Zone 4 Time: 39:58 Distance: 4.4 mi
Zone 5 Time: 1:16:26 Distnace: 9.0 mi
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Rest Day

For the Gobbler Grind Half Marathon tomorrow I'm only looking to run a sub 2 hour half marathon. The weather looks to be good, a little chilly maybe but not raining or snowing. Mariah will be joining me for the run and we'll see if she can beat the 2:10 she ran at Omaha.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Swim Day......Maybe
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Medium Run Day
Distance : 9:07mi
Total Time: 1:37:20
AVG Pace: 10:43
Total Calories: 1090
AVG HR: 152 bpm
Max HR: 174 bpm
Mile 1: 10:30
Mile 2: 10:43
Mile 3: 10:48
Mile 4: 11:06
Mile 5: 10:47
Mile 6: 10:32
Mile 7: 10:38
Mile 8: 10:21
Mile 9: 10:06
Mile .07: 0:44
Zone 1 Time: 0:05 Distance: 0ft
Zone 2 Time: 0:22 Distance: 96ft
Zone 3 Time: 27:34 Distance: 2.6 mi
Zone 4 Time: 1:09:20 Distance: 6.5 mi
Zone 5 Time: 1:20 Distnace: 507ft