Monday, October 29, 2012

Special Beer Review - Sperber Brau

Sperber Brau Classic Lager - These is Sperber's Ur/Urtype helles.  It comes in .33L bottle.  It pours an amber gold with slight hints of orange.  There is a generous frothy head that dissolved fairly quickly but left lots of lacing on the sides.  The aroma is negligible.  The taste is more hops than malt and the bitterness lingers but it's not overwhelming.  The finish is crisp and dry. Not my favorite Urtype but tasty nevertheless.

Sperber Brau Helles Vollbier - The regular helles from Sperber brau.  It pours a clear gold with a generous head that quickly disappeared leaving no lacing.  The aroma is sweet fresh cut grass.  The taste is slightly sweet with the hint hops bitterness.  There is a slight aftertaste but it disappears quickly.  Other than that this was a pretty good beer.

Sperber Brau Zoiglbier - Zoiglbier is typically only brewed in Northern Bavaria near the Czech border.  We are right in the heart of that region but it took me two years to discover one.  It similar in many ways to a Pilsner.  This one pours a pale gold with a very generous head and lots and lots of tiny bubbles.  The aroma is strongly of hops and the taste is of fine spicy hops with just a hint of bitterness that then explodes into full blown bitterness.  Finally it finishes smooth and without much of an aftertaste.  This is an interesting beer.  Not sure I'd search this beer out other than the fact that it's pretty rare.  Very drinkable though. 

Sperber Brau Graf Gebhard Weisse - The regular hefe-Weizen from Sperber Brau.  It pours a dark brownish amber with a very generous frothy off white head that dissolved slowly leaving plenty of lacing on the sides of the glass.  The aroma is banana, cloves and other spices, with maybe a hint of fruit.  The taste is banana, cloves and once again some fruitiness.  The finish is tart and wet.  Not half bad.  An interesting weisse. 

Sperber Brau Rosenburg Pils - This pils pours a clear golden with a generous 2 finger head that quickly disappeared while leaving lots of lacing on the sides of the glass.  The aroma is hoppy and spicy.  The taste is crisp with the hops predominating but not overly bitter, hints of spice take off the bitter edge.  The finish is crisp and dry.  I've said it before, I'm not a fan of German Pils but I'll take a second one of these.

Sperber Brau Steiger Schwarze - This is the dunkel weisse offering from Sperber Brau.  It pours a dark brown with hints of red.  The head is full chocolately brown and fades away slowly.  The taste is clovy bananas.  The finish is very crisp and the carbonation numbs the tongue.  A very good dunkel weisse.


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