It's volksfest time in Germany and guess what that means:
Yes, it means beer and in large glass mugs. The above picture shows several mass of beir or measures of beer (1 Liter) ready to be served at a local fest. Looks good doesn't it. Festbiers are brewed in the spring time and most are reserved for Oktoberfest where they are called, of course Oktoberfestbeir, or Marzen (March, for when it's brewed). The rest are served during the early Spring fests in April and May. Read more about festbeir here. I managed to get my hands on a rack of festbeir from the Tucher Brewery in Nuremberg and I'm just now getting around to posting the review.
The beer pours out a light golden yellow with a decent head that stays around for awhile. A well balanced flavor that starts out roasted malty and finishes crisply with a hint of mild bitterness. The aroma is more of roasted malt then fresh cut grass. An excellent beer and I'm looking for more offerings from Tucher to sample.