Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday Speed Day

Have I mentioned that I hate Tuesdays.  That's because it's Speed Day and the workouts stretch me just a little bit outside of my comfort zone.  Today was no different and it didn't help that I dorked up the workout.  Of course I didn't make it easier, I just had to make it harder by going an extra mile.  But in the end it was a good workout.  I actually did 10 miles within spitting distance (8:40min/miles) of my marathon goal pace (8:32min/miles).  That's really good for me considering that my half marathon PR is only an 8:50min/mile average and my long runs in HR Zone 3 are normally in the 9:45-10:min/mile range.  Do I think I could of held the pace for another 3 miles?  Probably not but it gives me something to think about.

Now for a slightly different thought.  I've blogged about taking Macen for some of my shorter runs in the BOB stroller.  Well some of those runs are tempo/fartlek type runs where I run or sprint a distance at a certain pace and then I break it down and walk or slow jog for a short distance or time and then it's back to running or sprinting.  Well when I break it down I've got the ultimate cheerleader with me who says "Don't Stop Dad You Can Keep Going!"  I've tried to explain to him that's it's just part of the workout plan to stop and rest every once in awhile.  I didn't think he was getting it until we were walking back from the PX on Sunday and he jumped off his bike and declared "It's now time to rest!"  He kept walking only he was pushing the bike and not riding it.  Shantel was like what the heck, until I explained where I thought he got it from.  Too funny


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