This week's beer is the Weihenstephan Vitus Weizen Bock. Most of my friends and family know how much I enjoy Shiner Bock from the Spoetzl Brewery in Texas and that is the standard that I hold a Bock beer to. This one holds up pretty good even if it is a wheat bock, which is a little different style. It had a nice soft head that lasted about the right amount of time, a good copper color and was very effervesant. It's got that definite wheat/weizen taste and would probably be really good on a hot summer day.
I know I've mentioned this before but the Weihenstephan is owned by the State of Bavaria and is the oldest continuously operated brewery in Germany. We can go check out the restuarant but the brewery is closed for tours to groups smaller than 15. I'll have to see if I can't round up 14 of my closest friends and try to get in.
For those Catholics out there you all know that it is Lent and of course during Lent you are supposed to be fasting. Well the good German monks came up with a way to get around the fasting by coming up with a version of "liquid bread" to sustain them. The Germans cal Lent Starkbierzeit or Strong Beer Season. The strong beer is a double brewed bock or doppelbock, I intend to try and reveiw a doppelbock before the end of Lent .
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